Posted November 23, 2022
After learning of one woman’s experience of not being able to afford pre-natal vitamins during her pregnancy, our ministry team prayed for God to direct them in providing help to women with this need. Later, a ministry partner in Santo Domingo offered Ricardo the opportunity to receive a supply of pre-natal vitamins for distribution.
With that answer to prayer, the team organized several outreach events for pregnant women in the bateys and in some Barahona communities. During the events, Ricardo’s brother, Isaias, led talks about the importance of good nutrition during pregnancy. Isaias is a graduate of the University’s Nursing program. Pastor Ramón also attended the events, sharing the gospel message and telling the women about Jesus’ love for each of them.

Women attending the event each received a supply of pre-natal vitamins to last her pregnancy. We are investigating opportunities to continue receiving the vitamins as a means to help mothers have the best chances for healthy babies. This will be an important addition to our program, which includes a potato-based food provided by Feed My Starving Children. That food is designed for children between 6-12 months, to help them transition from breast milk or formula to solid foods.

Your gifts of financial support make it possible for our team to provide services like this nutrition education to families in the 14 communities we serve. Please consider sending a donation today. Thank you!