Posted December 14, 2020
During the January 2019 Mission Team, Pastor Ramón requested Spanish-language copies of the classic devotional by Oswald Chambers, “My Utmost for His Highest,” to distribute to pastors in the bateys. Before this year’s trip in February, we put out a request on Facebook for 15 copies through our Amazon Smile Charity List. Within a couple of days, all 15 copies were purchased and we received them in plenty of time for the trip! These have been given to the pastors and will serve to encourage them day-to-day in the difficult work to which God has called them.
This is one example of how this ministry is supported in many ways. We are also blessed by several groups that sew children’s dresses and shorts and donate them for distribution in the bateys. These are received throughout the year, and taken down with mission teams. In a typical year—we know that 2020 has been anything but typical—we receive and take down between 100–200 dresses and pairs of shorts!

More recently, we asked for donations of face masks prior to our Director’s trip to Barahona in September. Our supporters answered the call, sending donations of 500 masks! These are being used for distribution to residents of the bateys and by our staff to keep them safe as they serve.

Of course, without financial support, we would be unable to serve as we are doing today. The weekly food distribution—which has been expanded as a result of the pandemic—is our largest expense. To support that and all the ministry’s activities, we have wages for our small staff, fuel and maintenance for the vehicles, and utilities and maintenance for the warehouse.
We know that God works through His people to accomplish His purposes. We are grateful for the generous gifts and prayers of so many of you who have made and continue to make our work possible! May God bless and protect you, continue to provide for all your needs, and give you peace in the coming year and beyond!